Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth?

Are you kidding me? This happened at Disneyland, you can't even go to the happiest place on earth without getting accosted by maroons, I understand, long lines, nasty and rude people, but this takes it to a new level of stupidity. 

Come on now, at Disneyland, I swear I just don't know about people, they don't and never have sold alcohol at Disneyland, well, I guess I should quantify that, they only sell it at one place, a little restaurant in New Orleans Square called Club 33 and that is a private very expensive restaurant, the only place at Disneyland you can get your drunk on, pretty sure he didn't get drunk there, but I digress, again, seriously, don't know what kind of person would make such a ninny of himself, hurting someone like that and with all the midgies running around, just ridiculous!

Caught On Tape: Belligerent Man Repeatedly Pepper Sprayed During Wild Fight At Disneyland

Drunk Man At Disney's California Adventure Park Gets Pepper-Sprayed After Acting Belligerent